1. Knowledge Base
  2. FAQs
  3. Problems and Complaints

Tell us about a problem on the site

This article describes how you can tell us quickly about a problem you have seen using our products

Tell us about a problem on the site

Thank you for taking the time to help us improve Governance360 and our products.

Firstly, our apologies you have found a problem with our platform - we'll work hard to solve it as soon as we can!.

From here, send us a note at support@governance360.co.uk and give us as much of the following data as you can:

  1. Account name (Your Login Email)
  2. Page you are on (name or url)
  3. Screenshot of bug (or recording Mac users can record their screen using quicktime. For Windows ShareX is a free program that does excellent screen recording if you have the time to help with this)
  4. Description. For example: "I was on [X] page, trying to create a new meeting", or "When I tried to edit Mobile number on [Y] page it would not allow me to"
  5. Operating system and Internet Browser

Thanks for helping us improve Governance360 and we'll work to solve your problem straightaway.